Link: Charity and Nonprofit Directory
About: Charity and Nonprofit Directory from GuideStar provides comprehensive data on more than 1.9 million nonprofit organizations, connecting them with donors, foundations, businesses, and governing agencies in a nationwide community of giving. This database contains searchable data from IRS Forms 990 and the IRS Business Master File, including comprehensive facts on employee compensation and grant activity.
Dates of Coverage: varies.
Truncation: [*]. (To use truncation, enter the root of a search term and replace the ending with a truncation symbol. The search engine will then find all forms of that word. For example, type comput* to find the words computer or computing).
Wildcard: [?]. (The wildcard helps when the spelling of a word is incomplete. To use the wildcard, enter your search terms and replace each unknown character with the appropriate wildcard symbol. The search engine finds all citations of that word with the symbol replaced by a letter. For example, type ne?t to find all citations containing neat, nest or next).
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